07/11/2016 Playlist

1: Cathy Lane  - Gaoth
2: Jin Haritaworn - Queer Lovers and Hateful Others presentation Berlin Germany
3: Elysia Crampton - American Drift (feat. Money Allah)
4: Eliane Radigue -Feedback Works -  Vice - Versa, Etc (1970) Mix I


White Noise

CRiSAP, London College of Communication,

Elephant & Castle, London, SE1 6SB

11 & 12 November 2016, 10am - 6pm

Tickets: £25/15 including a special publication celebrating SOUND::GENDER::FEMINISM::ACTIVISM 

and lunch (Leon Lewis gourmet vegetarian catering) on both days. 
There are a limited amount of one day tickets available for £15 and £7.

At SGFA::2016 we will seek to listen together to the complex interplay between the auditory and social protocols of White Noise. Working out from white noise's original sonic conception of a random frequency, broad-based signal that seemingly masks 


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